
您好,欢迎光临山东兴田阳光智能装备股份有限公司?齐鲁股权 股票代码:100817


更新时间:19/02/19 14:28:02     来源:www.jnxtsk.cn关闭分    享:

218上午,济南市槐荫区科技局局长吴承乙、副局长 山东槐荫生产力促进中心主任吕红艳、专利科科长张翀一行莅临我公司考察指导工作,公司领导对科技局领导们的到来表示了热烈的欢迎。



On the morning of February 18th, Wu Chengyi, director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Huaiyin District of Jinan City, deputy director Lu Hongyan, director ofShandongYiyinProductivityPromotionCenter, and Zhang Yu, head of the Patent Section, visited our company to inspect and guide the work. The leaders of the company came to the leaders of the Science and Technology Bureau. Expressed a warm welcome.

     Accompanied by the company's leaders, the leaders of the Science and Technology Bureau went deep into the company's workshop to conduct on-the-spot investigations of the company's production site, major products and technology research and development, and introduced the company's development history, business conditions, company business and development strategy. The leaders of the Science and Technology Bureau fully affirmed the achievements of our company in recent years, and said that the Science and Technology Bureau will continue to give great help and support in the future development of the company.

Finally, the chairman of the company, Xu Fuhou, on behalf of the company, thanked the leaders of the Science and Technology Bureau for their support and encouragement. He said that he would adhere to the road of independent innovation and technical cooperation and contribute to the development of the CNC machinery industry.


地   址:济南市槐荫区西货站西邻
电   话:0531-87581696
手   机:15863770888
传   真:0531-87980587
邮   箱:jnxtsk@163.com
Q    Q:416211860 / 771714553
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